Friday, February 26, 2010

I had a blog!? Again!?

Well as an extremely lazy blogger, I don't see any more reasons to continue with this, but this may serve as a diary or something. Let's see what to blog about. Hmmm... Errr....

Oh well, badminton? Naa... Music? Naa... TVB Dramas? Naa... Games? Naa...
Studies and revision? That's cool!

Now let's see... How's my studies coming?

Hmm... the ones i said Naa... occupied most of my time. Studies and revision seems off topic.

So why do I find studies and revision cool? Because I've been doing the other things for too long.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Improvement everyday?

Dad teaches me this, but I thought it's natural. But now I realised that I've passed my youth and it is time to give effort. No effort, no improvement. During youth, it's natural to learn things, now it's in your hands. You decide what to do, and what to improve. Thus, to make things simple, do what you want to do, and do it well, this ensure success(after countless trial and error, which one can avoid with the right directions(from the right person) and timing(with luck)). 20, the time to do things. After that you're old.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I had a blog?

Just reminded by a friend I had a blog. What to do with it? Ooh well lemme reflect what I did these holidays, many things.... but now sleepy. ZZZ

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lazy to even type.

Refer above. Had "fun". Lazy. No directions. Follow the flow. Bye.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What am I doing?

Why am I sitting here writing a post? Tomorrow is the last day of exam. What am I doing?

Oh well.. whatever. Just finish the contract law paper tomorrow and have fun. Study time.

Good luck, people.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tripped on trips

Throughout the CNY, I had stumbled upon a few trips, to Ipoh, to PD, to Seremban, then back to college, then reunion dinner with secondary school friends and here I am again typing the past out, while procrastinating the future. It is time... the time to prepare ourselves for the imminent task. The time which we desperately need. Every moment that we spent and still spending in our lives changes us in every aspect of physique, mentality and spirituality. Why spend the time in such a way that changes us to something that we do not want to be, or change us to what the society do not want us to be? Do we change because we have a want? Or do we change because of others' wants?.....

Friday, January 16, 2009

January's a Bombardment of Birthdays!

So many people in college had their birthdays on January! How nice it is to be so old in that year hahaha! Wish them all a very happy birthday, especially Lahvee of course! And also Happy Chinese New Year, though there really is a severe lack of CNY atmosphere this year... due to the year that comes so early, and also the fact that the economy is still in its lows... we're lucky Malaysia's economy aren't as severe as a lot of so-called developed countries.