Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reunion of the Yesteryear's Comrades

It's been a while since the last post.

Saturday was one of the happy days again, almost every Saturday I guess, because of badminton every weekend.. But this one was special!

A great day indeed it was, after badminton... went straight to Tay's (one of the most respected student in St. John's Institution, proud to be his friend for more than 10 years!) house and copied some games (almost addicted to it... self-awareness tells me to stop playing), then there was Jason and Joey arriving in Jason's Mazda 3 Limited Edition (nice car!). Had a bit of chat and fetch another Cheah (also friend for more than 10 years) then went to Jusco Maluri (glad it wasn't JCard day) for a drink.. then another bunch gathered at Tay's house again.. Gilbert (ATC punya orang sekarang!), MW, and Simon.

Then it was a very nice dinner with 7 of my schoolmates and friends... with pork leg/(hand?), curry, fried chicken and all.. very oily dinner but not bad.. still better than hotel's food... and much cheaper as well. During these process of course, lots of talk are going on. Of course many topics, gossips, and stuffs. Then we all went back happy and here seals again a memoir.

Now let's recount all these past experiences of reunion... I cannot remember a lot of it... but I am glad everyone is doing well. Looking back, human lives are really... sentimental, and yet short... sometimes things go slow in the present, and when one look back, it was like a blink of an eye. Time is money, people say.. but I've just realised something... time really is a common enemy of humanity, but a comrade to those who realise that time is what makes them grow and makes them go through sufferings of life itself. Time is a comrade to those who use it wisely, an enemy to those who do not have goals or dreams, who simply live for... nothing other than survival.. What makes us humans anyway? We were given supreme intelligence to understand a lot of things. Compared to animals, our lives are much more interesting than to.. hunt for food.. search for water.. and have a family.. and die.

Now of course, after such analysis, we should all realise that we are very lucky to be alive, and if you can read this, you are very lucky to be literate. Now where have I left off, ahh... the reunion... I am so glad that I have so many friends and I hope everyone is doing well!

Let's get back to our lives again... do not delve into the past.. but merely see them as happy experiences that accumulates throughout our lives. The future awaits.. and it is the PRESENT that we have to be aware of. Let us practise self-awareness throughout our daily lives... be aware when you drink water (feel the moist on your tongue... a lot of people and even animals died from dehydration)... when you eat your food (taste the food with gladness.. think of those who is suffering from hunger)... and when you lie on your bed (be glad that you have a bed)... and of course... when you are in a class, be aware of the lecture (your family paid for it, or you did). One last thing... be aware of your own self. Don't forget to breathe.

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